"Words, words, words.." ~ hamlet


Title: Right To Bear
Type: Full Length
Pages: 72
Genre: Drama
Characters : 4 total; 3m 1f

2024 Honorable Mention
Right To Bear follows Claire, a Yosemite National Park Ranger who is up for a promotion. But when she is tasked to put down the problem bear, L-13, who recently killed a park goer, she is faced with a moral dilemma after finding out what prompted the bear’s savage act. Only she didn’t expect to hear it directly from the bear, who can speak only to her. While her determined partner hunts after them and the day draws nearer to an end, the unlikely pair must lean on each other in order to reach salvation, before the clear moon rises. But who is really saving who?

* video archive from a performance at the Elektra theater in Times Square.
Title: Most Likely To
Type: One man show
Pages: 23
Genre: Drama
Characters : 1m
I wrote this solo performance play back in 2014
when I was feeling overwhelmed by all the injustice and police brutality inflicted upon my brothers and sisters.
It is semi-autobiographical and sadly still VERY relevant today.

Title: Buttering Toast
Type: Full length
Pages: 93
Genre: Comedy
Characters : 2m, 1f, 1non-specific

*picture taken at INTAR theater in Hell's Kitchen
My first completed full length play was born from it's title, which I randomly wrote down one day and thought "hm, imagine a play with a talking toaster".
Although it is a comedy it deals with themes like, depression, death, suicide, and heartache.

*picture taken at the Dramatist Guild Foundation Music Hall
Title: Brick Thieves
Type: Full length
Pages: 101
Genre: Drama
Characters : 7m, 2w
Although the town in my play is fictional, this play was born from an article I read once about a small district in St.Louis where people were stealing bricks off of houses.
It centers around a father and son relationship in need of repair.

*an artists' depiction of Joice Heth during a paid viewing in 1835
*picture taken at a reading in NYC
Title: The Joice Heth Project
Type: Full length
Pages: 65
Genre: Drama
Characters : 3m, 1w
I learned about Joice Heth's existence by chance while reading a magazine. It hit me in a not so good way that, like most people, I had no idea who she was. I had no idea that she was bought by PT Barnum and was the sole focus of his very first attempt at showmanship.
Her existence has been buried. So I felt she needed to be dug out.